Module dalex.arena.plots

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from ._break_down_container import BreakDownContainer
from ._shapley_values_container import ShapleyValuesContainer
from ._feature_importance_container import FeatureImportanceContainer
from ._partial_dependence_container import PartialDependenceContainer
from ._accumulated_dependence_container import AccumulatedDependenceContainer
from ._ceteris_paribus_container import CeterisParibusContainer
from ._metrics_container import MetricsContainer
from ._roc_container import ROCContainer
from ._fairness_check_container import FairnessCheckContainer
from ._shapley_values_dependence_container import ShapleyValuesDependenceContainer
from ._shapley_values_variable_importance_container import ShapleyValuesVariableImportanceContainer

__all__ = [


class AccumulatedDependenceContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class AccumulatedDependenceContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': "Accumulated Dependence",
        'plotType': 'AccumulatedDependence',
        'plotCategory': 'Dataset Level',
        'requiredParams': ['model', 'variable']
    options_category = 'AccumulatedDependence'
    options = {
        'grid_type': { 'default': 'quantile', 'desc': 'grid type "quantile" or "uniform"'},
        'grid_points': { 'default': 101, 'desc': 'Maximum number of points for profile' },
        'N': { 'default': 500, 'desc': 'Number of observations to use. None for all.' }
    def _fit(self, model, variable):
        if not variable.variable in model.variables:
            raise Exception('Variable is not a column of explainer')
        if is_numeric_dtype([variable.variable]):
            self.plot_component = 'LinearDependence'
            variable_type = 'numerical'
            self.plot_component = 'CategoricalDependence'
            variable_type = 'categorical'
        profile = model.explainer.model_profile(
        ) = {
            'x': profile.result['_x_'].tolist(),
            'y': profile.result['_yhat_'].tolist(),
            'variable': variable.variable,
            'base': 0


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category
class BreakDownContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class BreakDownContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': "Break Down",
        'plotType': "Breakdown",
        'plotCategory': "Observation Level",
        'requiredParams': ["model", "observation"]
    options_category = 'BreakDown'
    options = {
    def _fit(self, model, observation):
        row = observation.get_row_for_model(model)
        if row is None:
            self.set_message('Observation is not valid for given model.')
        bd = model.explainer.predict_parts(row, type='break_down').result = {
            'variables': bd[1:-1].variable_name.tolist(),
            'variables_value': bd[1:-1].variable_value.tolist(),
            'contribution': bd[1:-1].contribution.tolist(),
            'intercept': bd.contribution[0],
            'prediction': bd.cumulative.tail(1).iloc[0]


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category
class CeterisParibusContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class CeterisParibusContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': 'Ceteris Paribus',
        'plotType': 'CeterisParibus',
        'plotCategory': 'Observation Level',
        'requiredParams': ['model', 'variable', 'observation']
    options_category = 'CeterisParibus'
    options = {
        'grid_points': { 'default': 101, 'desc': 'Maximum number of points for profile' },
        'grid_type': { 'default': 'quantile', 'desc': 'grid type "quantile" or "uniform"'}
    def _fit(self, model, variable, observation):
        if not variable.variable in model.variables:
            raise Exception('Variable is not a column of explainer')
        row = observation.get_row_for_model(model)
        if row is None:
            self.set_message('Observation is not valid for given model.')
        cp = model.explainer.predict_profile(
        if is_numeric_dtype(row[variable.variable]):
            self.plot_component = 'NumericalCeterisParibus'
            self.plot_component = 'CategoricalCeterisParibus' = {
            'x': cp.result[variable.variable].tolist(),
            'y': cp.result['_yhat_'].tolist(),
            'variable': variable.variable,
            'min': cp.result['_yhat_'].min(),
            'max': cp.result['_yhat_'].max(),
            'observation': cp.new_observation.iloc[0].to_dict()


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category
class FairnessCheckContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class FairnessCheckContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': 'Fairness',
        'plotType': 'Fairness',
        'plotCategory': 'Dataset Level',
        'requiredParams': ['model', 'variable']
    options_category = 'Fairness'
    options = {
        'cutoffs': { 'default': [x / 100 for x in range(5, 100, 5)], 'desc': 'List of tested cutoff levels' },
    def _fit(self, model, variable):
        if not variable.variable in model.variables:
            raise Exception('Variable is not a column of explainer')
        exp = model.explainer
        y_hat = exp.predict( if exp.y_hat is None else exp.y_hat
        protected =[variable.variable]
        if exp.model_type != 'classification':
            self.set_message('Fairness plot is only available for classificators')
        if not is_object_dtype(protected):
            self.set_message('Select categorical variable to check fairness')

        output_df = None
        for cutoff in self.get_option('cutoffs'):
            cutoff_dict = checks.check_cutoff(protected, cutoff, False)
            sub_confusion_matrix = utils.SubgroupConfusionMatrix(exp.y, y_hat, protected, cutoff_dict)
            sub_confusion_matrix_metrics = utils.SubgroupConfusionMatrixMetrics(sub_confusion_matrix)
            df = sub_confusion_matrix_metrics.to_vertical_DataFrame()
            df['cutoff'] = cutoff
            output_df = df if output_df is None else output_df.append(df)

        output = {}
        for (subgroup, x) in output_df.set_index('metric').groupby('subgroup'):
            output[subgroup] = {}
            for (cutoff, y) in x.groupby('cutoff'):
                output[subgroup][cutoff] = rm_nan(y['score'].to_dict()) = { 'subgroups': output }

    def test_arena(arena):
        if type(arena).__name__ != 'Arena' or type(arena).__module__ != 'dalex.arena.object':
            raise Exception('Invalid Arena argument')
        return next((True for model in arena.get_params('model') if model.explainer.model_type == 'classification'), False)


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category


def test_arena(arena)

Tests if plot can be created for at least one combination of params

This method searches for params, that can produce valid chart. Displaying error messages are not counted as valid. One example of usage are charts for classification models. Such charts should override this method and check if there is at least one classification model in arena.


arena : Arena
Object of class dalex.Arena


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def test_arena(arena):
    if type(arena).__name__ != 'Arena' or type(arena).__module__ != 'dalex.arena.object':
        raise Exception('Invalid Arena argument')
    return next((True for model in arena.get_params('model') if model.explainer.model_type == 'classification'), False)
class FeatureImportanceContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class FeatureImportanceContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': "Variable Importance",
        'plotType': "FeatureImportance",
        'plotCategory': "Dataset Level",
        'requiredParams': ["model"]
    options_category = 'VariableImportance'
    options = {
        'N': { 'default': None, 'desc': 'Number of observations to use. None for all.' },
        'B': { 'default': 10, 'desc': 'Number of permutation rounds to perform each variable' }
    def _fit(self, model):
        fi = model.explainer.model_parts(
        def q1(x):
            return x.quantile(0.25)
        def q3(x):
            return x.quantile(0.75)
        stats = fi.agg(['mean', 'max', 'min', q1, q3])
        full_model = stats.loc['mean', '_full_model_']
        stats = stats.drop(['_baseline_', '_full_model_'], axis=1) \
            .sort_values(by='mean', axis=1, ascending=False) = {
            'base': full_model,
            'variables': stats.columns.tolist(),
            'dropout_loss': stats.loc['mean'].tolist(),
            'min': stats.loc['min'].tolist(),
            'max': stats.loc['max'].tolist(),
            'q1': stats.loc['q1'].tolist(),
            'q3': stats.loc['q3'].tolist()


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category
class MetricsContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class MetricsContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': "Metrics",
        'plotType': "Metrics",
        'plotCategory': "Model Performance",
        'requiredParams': ["model"]
    options_category = 'Metrics'
    options = {}
    def _fit(self, model):
        perf = model.explainer.model_performance().result = dict(perf.iloc[0])


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category
class PartialDependenceContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class PartialDependenceContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': "Partial Dependence",
        'plotType': 'PartialDependence',
        'plotCategory': 'Dataset Level',
        'requiredParams': ['model', 'variable']
    options_category = 'PartialDependence'
    options = {
        'grid_type': { 'default': 'quantile', 'desc': 'grid type "quantile" or "uniform"'},
        'grid_points': { 'default': 101, 'desc': 'Maximum number of points for profile' },
        'N': { 'default': 500, 'desc': 'Number of observations to use. None for all.' }
    def _fit(self, model, variable):
        if not variable.variable in model.variables:
            raise Exception('Variable is not a column of explainer')
        if is_numeric_dtype([variable.variable]):
            self.plot_component = 'LinearDependence'
            profile = model.explainer.model_profile(
            self.plot_component = 'CategoricalDependence'
            profile = model.explainer.model_profile(
            ) = {
            'x': profile.result['_x_'].tolist(),
            'y': profile.result['_yhat_'].tolist(),
            'variable': variable.variable,
            'base': profile.mean_prediction


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category
class ROCContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class ROCContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': 'Receiver Operating Characterstic',
        'plotType': 'ROC',
        'plotCategory': 'Model Performance',
        'requiredParams': ['model']
    options_category = 'ROC'
    options = {
        'grid_points': { 'default': 101, 'desc': 'Maximum number of points for ROC curve' },

    def _fit(self, model):
        exp = model.explainer
        if exp.model_type != 'classification':
            self.set_message('ROC plot is only available for classificators')

        y_hat = exp.predict( if exp.y_hat is None else exp.y_hat
        df = pd.DataFrame({ 'y': exp.y.astype(bool), 'y_hat': y_hat })

        P_n = df.y.sum()
        N_n = df.shape[0] - P_n
        if P_n == 0 or N_n == 0:
            self.set_message('Provided dataset contains only positive or only negative cases.', 'error')

        tpr_temp = df.groupby('y_hat').sum().reset_index().sort_values('y_hat', ascending=False)
        fpr_temp = df.assign(y=1-df.y).groupby('y_hat').sum().reset_index().sort_values('y_hat', ascending=False)
        _df = pd.DataFrame({
            'TPR': tpr_temp.y.cumsum() / P_n,
            'TNR': 1 - (fpr_temp.y.cumsum() / N_n),
            'cutoff': np.sort(df['y_hat'].unique())[::-1]

        grid_points = self.get_option('grid_points')
        if _df.shape[0] > grid_points:
            _df = _df.sample(grid_points).sort_values('cutoff', ascending=False) = {
            'cutoff': _df['cutoff'].tolist(),
            'specifity': [1] + _df['TNR'].tolist(),
            'sensivity': [0] + _df['TPR'].tolist()

    def test_arena(arena):
        if type(arena).__name__ != 'Arena' or type(arena).__module__ != 'dalex.arena.object':
            raise Exception('Invalid Arena argument')
        return next((True for model in arena.get_params('model') if model.explainer.model_type == 'classification'), False)


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category


def test_arena(arena)

Tests if plot can be created for at least one combination of params

This method searches for params, that can produce valid chart. Displaying error messages are not counted as valid. One example of usage are charts for classification models. Such charts should override this method and check if there is at least one classification model in arena.


arena : Arena
Object of class dalex.Arena


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def test_arena(arena):
    if type(arena).__name__ != 'Arena' or type(arena).__module__ != 'dalex.arena.object':
        raise Exception('Invalid Arena argument')
    return next((True for model in arena.get_params('model') if model.explainer.model_type == 'classification'), False)
class ShapleyValuesContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class ShapleyValuesContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': "Shapley Values",
        'plotType': "SHAPValues",
        'plotCategory': "Observation Level",
        'requiredParams': ["model", "observation"]
    options_category = 'ShapleyValues'
    options = {}
    def _fit(self, model, observation):
        resource = self.arena.resource_manager.get_resource('ShapleyValues', {'model': model, 'observation': observation}, cache=self.use_cache)
            data, progress, is_done = resource.get_result()
            if data.get('stats') is None:
                data, progress, is_done = resource.get_result()
        except Exception as e:
        self.is_done = is_done
        self.progress = progress
        stats = data.get('stats').sort_values('abs', ascending=False).reset_index() = {
            'variables': stats.variable_name.tolist(),
            'variables_value': stats.variable_value.tolist(),
            'mean': stats['mean'].tolist(),
            'min': stats['min'].tolist(),
            'max': stats['max'].tolist(),
            'q1': stats.q1.tolist(),
            'q3': stats.q3.tolist(),


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category
class ShapleyValuesDependenceContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class ShapleyValuesDependenceContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': "Shapley Values Dependence",
        'plotType': "ShapleyValuesDependence",
        'plotCategory': "Dataset Level",
        'requiredParams': ["model", "variable"]
    options_category = 'DatasetShapleyValues'
    options = {}
    def _fit(self, model, variable):
        if variable.variable not in model.variables:
            raise Exception('Variable is not a column of explainer')
        is_numeric = is_numeric_dtype([variable.variable])
        if is_numeric and variable.levels is None:
            self.plot_component = 'LinearShapleyDependence'
            self.plot_component = 'CategoricalShapleyDependence'
        resource = self.arena.resource_manager.get_resource('DatasetShapleyValues', {'model': model}, cache=self.use_cache)
            data, progress, is_done = resource.get_result()
            if data.get('result') is None:
                data, progress, is_done = resource.get_result()
        except Exception as e:
        self.is_done = is_done
        self.progress = progress
        result = data.get('result')
        result = result[result['variable_name'] == variable.variable]
        stats = result.groupby(['variable_value', 'row']).agg({'contribution': ['mean', 'min', 'max']}).contribution
        if self.plot_component == 'LinearShapleyDependence':
            stats = stats.sort_index()
        transform_index = float if self.plot_component == 'LinearShapleyDependence' else str = {
            'x': [transform_index(x[0]) for x in stats.index],
            'mean': stats['mean'].values.tolist(),
            'min': stats['min'].values.tolist(),
            'max': stats['max'].values.tolist(),
            'variable': variable.variable


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category
class ShapleyValuesVariableImportanceContainer (arena, cache=True)

Class representing a chart.


arena : Arena
Instance of Arena.
cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources


arena : Arena
Instance of dalex.Arena
name : str
Display name of chart
plot_type : str
Identifier of chart type
plot_component : str
Identifier of Arena's component that should render this chart
plot_category : str
Name of category of chart
params : dict
Dictionary with required param types as keys and param labels as values. This attribute is set when calling fit.
data : dict
Results of computations are placed there
progress : float
If progress is supprted, then value should be between [0,1]. For other situations -1 value must be set. Progress of plot container is based of progress of used resources at the moment of calling fit method. This value will not be updated.
use_cache : bool
If this object is allowed to use cache when requesting resources
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class ShapleyValuesVariableImportanceContainer(PlotContainer):
    info = {
        'name': "Shapley Variable Importance",
        'plotType': "ShapleyValuesVariableImportance",
        'plotCategory': "Dataset Level",
        'requiredParams': ["model"]
    options_category = 'DatasetShapleyValues'
    options = {}
    def _fit(self, model):
        resource = self.arena.resource_manager.get_resource('DatasetShapleyValues', {'model': model}, cache=self.use_cache)
            data, progress, is_done = resource.get_result()
            if data.get('result') is None:
                data, progress, is_done = resource.get_result()
        except Exception as e:
        self.is_done = is_done
        self.progress = progress
        result = data.get('result')

        stats = result.groupby(['variable_name', 'row']) \
            .agg({'contribution': ['mean']}) \
        stats['abs_contribution'] = stats['mean'].abs()
        stats = stats.reset_index()
        box_stats = stats.groupby(['variable_name']) \
            .agg({'abs_contribution': ['mean', 'max', 'min', 'median', q1, q3, lf, uf]}) \
            .abs_contribution.sort_values(by='mean', ascending=False)
        outliers1 = stats.loc[stats['abs_contribution'] > box_stats.uf.loc[stats['variable_name']].reset_index(drop=True)]
        outliers2 = stats.loc[stats['abs_contribution'] < box_stats.lf.loc[stats['variable_name']].reset_index(drop=True)]
        outliers = pd.concat([outliers1, outliers2]).groupby('variable_name')['abs_contribution'].apply(list).to_dict() = {
            'variables': list(box_stats.index),
            'mean': box_stats['mean'].values.tolist(),
            'median': box_stats['median'].values.tolist(),
            'min': box_stats['min'].values.tolist(),
            'max': box_stats['max'].values.tolist(),
            'q1': box_stats['q1'].values.tolist(),
            'q3': box_stats['q3'].values.tolist(),
            'lf': box_stats['lf'].values.tolist(),
            'uf': box_stats['uf'].values.tolist(),
            'outliers': outliers,
            'intercept': data.get('intercept')


  • dalex.arena._plot_container.PlotContainer
  • dalex.arena._option_base.OptionBase

Class variables

var info
var options
var options_category