Module dalex.aspect.object
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from dalex.aspect._model_aspect_importance.object import ModelAspectImportance
from dalex.aspect._predict_aspect_importance.object import PredictAspectImportance
from dalex.aspect._model_triplot.object import ModelTriplot
from dalex.aspect._predict_triplot.object import PredictTriplot
from . import utils, checks, plot
from .. import _theme
class Aspect:
"""Create Aspect
Explanation methods that do not take into account dependencies between variables
can produce misleading results. This class creates a representation of a model based
on an Explainer object. In addition, it calculates the relationships between
the variables that can be used to create explanations. Methods of this class produce
explanation objects, that contain the main result attribute, and can be visualised
using the plot method.
The `explainer` is the only required parameter.
explainer : Explainer object
Model wrapper created using the Explainer class.
depend_method: {'assoc', 'pps'} or function, optional
The method of calculating the dependencies between variables (i.e. the dependency
matrix). Default is `'assoc'`, which means the use of statistical association
(correlation coefficient, Cramér's V based on Pearson's chi-squared statistic
and eta-quared based on Kruskal-Wallis H-statistic);
`'pps'` stands for Power Predictive Score.
NOTE: When a function is passed, it is called with the `` and it
must return a symmetric dependency matrix (`pd.DataFrame` with variable names as
columns and rows).
clust_method : {'complete', 'single', 'average', 'weighted', 'centroid', 'median', 'ward'}, optional
The linkage algorithm to use for variables hierarchical clustering
(default is `'complete'`).
corr_method : {'spearman', 'pearson', 'kendall'}, optional
The method of calculating correlation between numerical variables
(default is `'spearman'`).
NOTE: Ignored if `depend_method` is not `'assoc'`.
agg_method : {'max', 'min', 'avg'}, optional
The method of aggregating the PPS values for pairs of variables
(default is `'max'`).
NOTE: Ignored if `depend_method` is not `'pps'`.
explainer : Explainer object
Model wrapper created using the Explainer class.
depend_method : {'assoc', 'pps'} or function
The method of calculating the dependencies between variables.
clust_method : {'complete', 'single', 'average', 'weighted', 'centroid', 'median', 'ward'}
The linkage algorithm to use for variables hierarchical clustering.
corr_method : {'spearman', 'pearson', 'kendall'}
The method of calculating correlation between numerical variables.
agg_method : {'max', 'min', 'avg'}
The method of aggregating the PPS values for pairs of variables.
depend_matrix : pd.DataFrame
The dependency matrix (with variable names as columns and rows).
linkage_matrix :
The hierarchical clustering of variables encoded as a `scipy` linkage matrix.
- assoc, eta-squared:
- assoc, Cramér's V:
- PPS:
- triplot:
def __init__(
_depend_method, _corr_method, _agg_method = checks.check_method_depend(depend_method, corr_method, agg_method)
self.explainer = explainer
self.depend_method = _depend_method
self.clust_method = clust_method
self.corr_method = _corr_method
self.agg_method = _agg_method
self.depend_matrix = utils.calculate_depend_matrix(, self.depend_method, self.corr_method, self.agg_method
self.linkage_matrix = utils.calculate_linkage_matrix(
self.depend_matrix, clust_method
self._hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram = plot.plot_dendrogram(
self.linkage_matrix, self.depend_matrix.columns
self._dendrogram_aspects_ordered = utils.get_dendrogram_aspects_ordered(
self._hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram, self.depend_matrix
self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance = None
self._mt_params = None
def get_aspects(self, h=0.5, n=None):
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster
"""Form aspects of variables from the hierarchical clustering
h : float, optional
Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency
between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is `0.5`).
NOTE: Ignored if `n` is not `None`.
n : int, optional
Maximum number of aspects to form
(default is `None`, which means the use of `h` parameter).
dict of lists
Variables grouped in aspects, e.g. `{'aspect_1': ['x1', 'x2'], 'aspect_2': ['y1', 'y2']}`.
if n is None:
aspect_label = fcluster(self.linkage_matrix, 1 - h, criterion="distance")
aspect_label = fcluster(self.linkage_matrix, n, criterion="maxclust")
aspects = pd.DataFrame(
{"feature": self.depend_matrix.columns, "aspect": aspect_label}
aspects = aspects.groupby("aspect")["feature"].apply(list).reset_index()
aspects_dict = {}
# rename an aspect when there is a single variable in it
i = 1
for index, row in aspects.iterrows():
if len(row["feature"]) > 1:
aspects_dict[f"aspect_{i}"] = row["feature"]
i += 1
aspects_dict[row["feature"][0]] = row["feature"]
return aspects_dict
def plot_dendrogram(
title="Hierarchical clustering dendrogram",
"""Plot the hierarchical clustering dendrogram of variables
title : str, optional
Title of the plot (default is "Hierarchical clustering dendrogram").
lines_interspace : float, optional
Interspace between lines of dendrogram in px (default is `20`).
rounding_function : function, optional
A function that will be used for rounding numbers (default is `np.around`).
digits : int, optional
Number of decimal places (`np.around`) to round contributions.
See `rounding_function` parameter (default is `3`).
show : bool, optional
`True` shows the plot; `False` returns the plotly Figure object that can
be edited or saved using the `write_image()` method (default is `True`).
None or plotly.graph_objects.Figure
Return figure that can be edited or saved. See `show` parameter.
m = len(self.depend_matrix.columns)
plot_height = 78 + 71 + m * lines_interspace + (m + 1) * lines_interspace / 4
fig = self._hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram
fig = plot.add_text_and_tooltips_to_dendrogram(
fig, self._dendrogram_aspects_ordered, rounding_function, digits
fig = plot._add_points_on_dendrogram_traces(fig)
title={"text": title, "x": 0.15},
yaxis={"automargin": True, "autorange": "reversed"},
if show:
return fig
def predict_parts(
"""Calculate predict-level aspect importance
new_observation : pd.Series or np.ndarray (1d) or pd.DataFrame (1,p)
An observation for which a prediction needs to be explained.
variable_groups : dict of lists or None
Variables grouped in aspects to calculate their importance (default is `None`).
type : {'default', 'shap'}, optional
Type of aspect importance/attributions (default is `'default'`, which means
the use of simplified LIME method).
h : float, optional
Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency
between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is `0.5`).
N : int, optional
Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute
before the calculation of aspect importance (default is `2000`).
B : int, optional
Parameter specific for `type == 'shap'`. Number of random paths to calculate aspect
attributions (default is `25`).
NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'shap'`.
n_aspects : int, optional
Parameter specific for `type == 'default'`. Maximum number of non-zero importances, i.e.
coefficients after lasso fitting (default is `None`, which means the linear regression is used).
NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'`.
sample_method : {'default', 'binom'}, optional
Parameter specific for `type == 'default'`. Sampling method for creating binary matrix
used as mask for replacing aspects in sampled data (default is `'default'`, which means
it randomly replaces one or two zeros per row; `'binom'` replaces random number of zeros
per row).
NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'`.
f : int, optional
Parameter specific for `type == 'default'` and `sample_method == 'binom'`. Parameter
controlling average number of replaced zeros for binomial sampling (default is `2`).
NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'` or `sample_method` is not `'binom'`.
label : str, optional
Name to appear in result and plots. Overrides default.
processes : int, optional
Parameter specific for `type == 'shap'`. Number of parallel processes to use in calculations.
Iterated over `B` (default is `1`, which means no parallel computation).
random_state : int, optional
Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed).
PredictAspectImportance class object
Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method.
if variable_groups is None:
variable_groups = self.get_aspects(h)
pai = PredictAspectImportance(
), new_observation)
if label is not None:
pai.result["label"] = label
return pai
def model_parts(
"""Calculate model-level aspect importance
variable_groups : dict of lists or None
Variables grouped in aspects to calculate their importance (default is `None`).
h : float, optional
Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency
between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is `0.5`).
loss_function : {'rmse', '1-auc', 'mse', 'mae', 'mad'} or function, optional
If string, then such loss function will be used to assess aspect importance
(default is `'rmse'` or `'1-auc'`, depends on `explainer.model_type` attribute).
type : {'variable_importance', 'ratio', 'difference'}, optional
Type of transformation that will be applied to dropout loss
(default is `'variable_importance'`, which is Permutational Variable Importance).
N : int, optional
Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute before
the calculation of aspect importance. `None` means all `data` (default is `1000`).
B : int, optional
Number of permutation rounds to perform on each variable (default is `10`).
processes : int, optional
Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B`
(default is `1`, which means no parallel computation).
label : str, optional
Name to appear in result and plots. Overrides default.
random_state : int, optional
Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed).
ModelAspectImportance class object
Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method.
loss_function = checks.check_method_loss_function(self.explainer, loss_function)
mai_result = None
if variable_groups is None:
variable_groups = self.get_aspects(h)
# get results from triplot if it was precalculated with the same params
if self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance is not None:
if (
self._mt_params["loss_function"] == loss_function
and self._mt_params["N"] == N
and self._mt_params["B"] == B
and self._mt_params["type"] == type
h = min(1, h)
h_selected = np.unique(
self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.h >= h
mai_result = self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.loc[
self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.h == h_selected
ai = ModelAspectImportance(
# calculate if there was no results
if mai_result is None:
mai_result = mai_result[
ai.result = mai_result
if label is not None:
ai.result["label"] = label
return ai
def predict_triplot(
"""Calculate predict-level hierarchical aspect importance
new_observation : pd.Series or np.ndarray (1d) or pd.DataFrame (1,p)
An observation for which a prediction needs to be explained.
type : {'default', 'shap'}, optional
Type of aspect importance/attributions (default is `'default'`, which means
the use of simplified LIME method).
N : int, optional
Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute
before the calculation of aspect importance (default is `2000`).
B : int, optional
Parameter specific for `type == 'shap'`. Number of random paths to calculate aspect
attributions (default is `25`).
NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'shap'`.
sample_method : {'default', 'binom'}, optional
Parameter specific for `type == 'default'`. Sampling method for creating binary matrix
used as mask for replacing aspects in data (default is `'default'`, which means
it randomly replaces one or two zeros per row; `'binom'` replaces random number of zeros
per row).
NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'`.
f : int, optional
Parameter specific for `type == 'default'` and `sample_method == 'binom'`. Parameter
controlling average number of replaced zeros for binomial sampling (default is `2`).
NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'` or `sample_method` is not `'binom'`.
processes : int, optional
Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B`
(default is `1`, which means no parallel computation).
random_state : int, optional
Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed).
PredictTriplot class object
Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method.
pt = PredictTriplot(type, N, B, sample_method, f, processes, random_state), new_observation)
return pt
def model_triplot(
"""Calculate model-level hierarchical aspect importance
loss_function : {'rmse', '1-auc', 'mse', 'mae', 'mad'} or function, optional
If string, then such loss function will be used to assess aspect importance
(default is `'rmse'` or `'1-auc'`, depends on `explainer.model_type` attribute).
type : {'variable_importance', 'ratio', 'difference'}, optional
Type of transformation that will be applied to dropout loss
(default is `'variable_importance'`, which is Permutational Variable Importance).
N : int, optional
Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute before
the calculation of aspect importance. `None` means all `data` (default is `1000`).
B : int, optional
Number of permutation rounds to perform on each variable (default is `10`).
processes : int, optional
Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B`
(default is `1`, which means no parallel computation).
random_state : int, optional
Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed).
ModelTriplot class object
Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method.
loss_function = checks.check_method_loss_function(self.explainer, loss_function) # get proper loss_function for model_type
mt = ModelTriplot(loss_function, type, N, B, processes, random_state)
self._mt_params = {"loss_function": loss_function, "type": type, "N": N, "B": B} # save params for future calls of model_parts
return mt
class Aspect (explainer, depend_method='assoc', clust_method='complete', corr_method='spearman', agg_method='max')
Create Aspect
Explanation methods that do not take into account dependencies between variables can produce misleading results. This class creates a representation of a model based on an Explainer object. In addition, it calculates the relationships between the variables that can be used to create explanations. Methods of this class produce explanation objects, that contain the main result attribute, and can be visualised using the plot method.
is the only required parameter.Parameters
:Explainer object
- Model wrapper created using the Explainer class.
:{'assoc', 'pps'}
, optional- The method of calculating the dependencies between variables (i.e. the dependency
matrix). Default is
, which means the use of statistical association (correlation coefficient, Cramér's V based on Pearson's chi-squared statistic and eta-quared based on Kruskal-Wallis H-statistic);'pps'
stands for Power Predictive Score. NOTE: When a function is passed, it is called with
and it must return a symmetric dependency matrix (pd.DataFrame
with variable names as columns and rows). clust_method
:{'complete', 'single', 'average', 'weighted', 'centroid', 'median', 'ward'}
, optional- The linkage algorithm to use for variables hierarchical clustering
(default is
). corr_method
:{'spearman', 'pearson', 'kendall'}
, optional- The method of calculating correlation between numerical variables
(default is
). NOTE: Ignored ifdepend_method
is not'assoc'
. agg_method
:{'max', 'min', 'avg'}
, optional- The method of aggregating the PPS values for pairs of variables
(default is
). NOTE: Ignored ifdepend_method
is not'pps'
:Explainer object
- Model wrapper created using the Explainer class.
:{'assoc', 'pps'}
- The method of calculating the dependencies between variables.
:{'complete', 'single', 'average', 'weighted', 'centroid', 'median', 'ward'}
- The linkage algorithm to use for variables hierarchical clustering.
:{'spearman', 'pearson', 'kendall'}
- The method of calculating correlation between numerical variables.
:{'max', 'min', 'avg'}
- The method of aggregating the PPS values for pairs of variables.
- The dependency matrix (with variable names as columns and rows).
linkage_matrix : The hierarchical clustering of variables encoded as a
linkage matrix.Notes
- assoc, eta-squared:
- assoc, Cramér's V:
- PPS:
- triplot:
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class Aspect: """Create Aspect Explanation methods that do not take into account dependencies between variables can produce misleading results. This class creates a representation of a model based on an Explainer object. In addition, it calculates the relationships between the variables that can be used to create explanations. Methods of this class produce explanation objects, that contain the main result attribute, and can be visualised using the plot method. The `explainer` is the only required parameter. Parameters ---------- explainer : Explainer object Model wrapper created using the Explainer class. depend_method: {'assoc', 'pps'} or function, optional The method of calculating the dependencies between variables (i.e. the dependency matrix). Default is `'assoc'`, which means the use of statistical association (correlation coefficient, Cramér's V based on Pearson's chi-squared statistic and eta-quared based on Kruskal-Wallis H-statistic); `'pps'` stands for Power Predictive Score. NOTE: When a function is passed, it is called with the `` and it must return a symmetric dependency matrix (`pd.DataFrame` with variable names as columns and rows). clust_method : {'complete', 'single', 'average', 'weighted', 'centroid', 'median', 'ward'}, optional The linkage algorithm to use for variables hierarchical clustering (default is `'complete'`). corr_method : {'spearman', 'pearson', 'kendall'}, optional The method of calculating correlation between numerical variables (default is `'spearman'`). NOTE: Ignored if `depend_method` is not `'assoc'`. agg_method : {'max', 'min', 'avg'}, optional The method of aggregating the PPS values for pairs of variables (default is `'max'`). NOTE: Ignored if `depend_method` is not `'pps'`. Attributes -------- explainer : Explainer object Model wrapper created using the Explainer class. depend_method : {'assoc', 'pps'} or function The method of calculating the dependencies between variables. clust_method : {'complete', 'single', 'average', 'weighted', 'centroid', 'median', 'ward'} The linkage algorithm to use for variables hierarchical clustering. corr_method : {'spearman', 'pearson', 'kendall'} The method of calculating correlation between numerical variables. agg_method : {'max', 'min', 'avg'} The method of aggregating the PPS values for pairs of variables. depend_matrix : pd.DataFrame The dependency matrix (with variable names as columns and rows). linkage_matrix : The hierarchical clustering of variables encoded as a `scipy` linkage matrix. Notes ----- - assoc, eta-squared: - assoc, Cramér's V: - PPS: - triplot: """ def __init__( self, explainer, depend_method="assoc", clust_method="complete", corr_method="spearman", agg_method="max", ): _depend_method, _corr_method, _agg_method = checks.check_method_depend(depend_method, corr_method, agg_method) self.explainer = explainer self.depend_method = _depend_method self.clust_method = clust_method self.corr_method = _corr_method self.agg_method = _agg_method self.depend_matrix = utils.calculate_depend_matrix(, self.depend_method, self.corr_method, self.agg_method ) self.linkage_matrix = utils.calculate_linkage_matrix( self.depend_matrix, clust_method ) self._hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram = plot.plot_dendrogram( self.linkage_matrix, self.depend_matrix.columns ) self._dendrogram_aspects_ordered = utils.get_dendrogram_aspects_ordered( self._hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram, self.depend_matrix ) self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance = None self._mt_params = None def get_aspects(self, h=0.5, n=None): from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster """Form aspects of variables from the hierarchical clustering Parameters ---------- h : float, optional Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is `0.5`). NOTE: Ignored if `n` is not `None`. n : int, optional Maximum number of aspects to form (default is `None`, which means the use of `h` parameter). Returns ------- dict of lists Variables grouped in aspects, e.g. `{'aspect_1': ['x1', 'x2'], 'aspect_2': ['y1', 'y2']}`. """ if n is None: aspect_label = fcluster(self.linkage_matrix, 1 - h, criterion="distance") else: aspect_label = fcluster(self.linkage_matrix, n, criterion="maxclust") aspects = pd.DataFrame( {"feature": self.depend_matrix.columns, "aspect": aspect_label} ) aspects = aspects.groupby("aspect")["feature"].apply(list).reset_index() aspects_dict = {} # rename an aspect when there is a single variable in it i = 1 for index, row in aspects.iterrows(): if len(row["feature"]) > 1: aspects_dict[f"aspect_{i}"] = row["feature"] i += 1 else: aspects_dict[row["feature"][0]] = row["feature"] return aspects_dict def plot_dendrogram( self, title="Hierarchical clustering dendrogram", lines_interspace=20, rounding_function=np.round, digits=3, show=True, ): """Plot the hierarchical clustering dendrogram of variables Parameters ---------- title : str, optional Title of the plot (default is "Hierarchical clustering dendrogram"). lines_interspace : float, optional Interspace between lines of dendrogram in px (default is `20`). rounding_function : function, optional A function that will be used for rounding numbers (default is `np.around`). digits : int, optional Number of decimal places (`np.around`) to round contributions. See `rounding_function` parameter (default is `3`). show : bool, optional `True` shows the plot; `False` returns the plotly Figure object that can be edited or saved using the `write_image()` method (default is `True`). Returns ------- None or plotly.graph_objects.Figure Return figure that can be edited or saved. See `show` parameter. """ m = len(self.depend_matrix.columns) plot_height = 78 + 71 + m * lines_interspace + (m + 1) * lines_interspace / 4 fig = self._hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram fig = plot.add_text_and_tooltips_to_dendrogram( fig, self._dendrogram_aspects_ordered, rounding_function, digits ) fig = plot._add_points_on_dendrogram_traces(fig) fig.update_layout( title={"text": title, "x": 0.15}, yaxis={"automargin": True, "autorange": "reversed"}, height=plot_height, ) if show: else: return fig def predict_parts( self, new_observation, variable_groups=None, type="default", h=0.5, N=2000, B=25, n_aspects=None, sample_method="default", f=2, label=None, processes=1, random_state=None, ): """Calculate predict-level aspect importance Parameters ---------- new_observation : pd.Series or np.ndarray (1d) or pd.DataFrame (1,p) An observation for which a prediction needs to be explained. variable_groups : dict of lists or None Variables grouped in aspects to calculate their importance (default is `None`). type : {'default', 'shap'}, optional Type of aspect importance/attributions (default is `'default'`, which means the use of simplified LIME method). h : float, optional Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is `0.5`). N : int, optional Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute before the calculation of aspect importance (default is `2000`). B : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'shap'`. Number of random paths to calculate aspect attributions (default is `25`). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'shap'`. n_aspects : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'default'`. Maximum number of non-zero importances, i.e. coefficients after lasso fitting (default is `None`, which means the linear regression is used). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'`. sample_method : {'default', 'binom'}, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'default'`. Sampling method for creating binary matrix used as mask for replacing aspects in sampled data (default is `'default'`, which means it randomly replaces one or two zeros per row; `'binom'` replaces random number of zeros per row). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'`. f : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'default'` and `sample_method == 'binom'`. Parameter controlling average number of replaced zeros for binomial sampling (default is `2`). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'` or `sample_method` is not `'binom'`. label : str, optional Name to appear in result and plots. Overrides default. processes : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'shap'`. Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B` (default is `1`, which means no parallel computation). random_state : int, optional Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed). Returns ------- PredictAspectImportance class object Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method. """ if variable_groups is None: variable_groups = self.get_aspects(h) pai = PredictAspectImportance( variable_groups, type, N, B, n_aspects, sample_method, f, self.depend_method, self.corr_method, self.agg_method, processes, random_state, _depend_matrix=self.depend_matrix ), new_observation) if label is not None: pai.result["label"] = label return pai def model_parts( self, variable_groups=None, h=0.5, loss_function=None, type="variable_importance", N=1000, B=10, processes=1, label=None, random_state=None, ): """Calculate model-level aspect importance Parameters ---------- variable_groups : dict of lists or None Variables grouped in aspects to calculate their importance (default is `None`). h : float, optional Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is `0.5`). loss_function : {'rmse', '1-auc', 'mse', 'mae', 'mad'} or function, optional If string, then such loss function will be used to assess aspect importance (default is `'rmse'` or `'1-auc'`, depends on `explainer.model_type` attribute). type : {'variable_importance', 'ratio', 'difference'}, optional Type of transformation that will be applied to dropout loss (default is `'variable_importance'`, which is Permutational Variable Importance). N : int, optional Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute before the calculation of aspect importance. `None` means all `data` (default is `1000`). B : int, optional Number of permutation rounds to perform on each variable (default is `10`). processes : int, optional Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B` (default is `1`, which means no parallel computation). label : str, optional Name to appear in result and plots. Overrides default. random_state : int, optional Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed). Returns ------- ModelAspectImportance class object Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method. """ loss_function = checks.check_method_loss_function(self.explainer, loss_function) mai_result = None if variable_groups is None: variable_groups = self.get_aspects(h) # get results from triplot if it was precalculated with the same params if self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance is not None: if ( self._mt_params["loss_function"] == loss_function and self._mt_params["N"] == N and self._mt_params["B"] == B and self._mt_params["type"] == type ): h = min(1, h) h_selected = np.unique( self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.loc[ self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.h >= h ].h )[0] mai_result = self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.loc[ self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.h == h_selected ] ai = ModelAspectImportance( loss_function=loss_function, type=type, N=N, B=B, variable_groups=variable_groups, processes=processes, random_state=random_state, _depend_matrix=self.depend_matrix ) # calculate if there was no results if mai_result is None: else: mai_result = mai_result[ [ "aspect_name", "variable_names", "dropout_loss", "dropout_loss_change", "min_depend", "vars_min_depend", "label", ] ] ai.result = mai_result if label is not None: ai.result["label"] = label return ai def predict_triplot( self, new_observation, type="default", N=2000, B=25, sample_method="default", f=2, processes=1, random_state=None, ): """Calculate predict-level hierarchical aspect importance Parameters ---------- new_observation : pd.Series or np.ndarray (1d) or pd.DataFrame (1,p) An observation for which a prediction needs to be explained. type : {'default', 'shap'}, optional Type of aspect importance/attributions (default is `'default'`, which means the use of simplified LIME method). N : int, optional Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute before the calculation of aspect importance (default is `2000`). B : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'shap'`. Number of random paths to calculate aspect attributions (default is `25`). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'shap'`. sample_method : {'default', 'binom'}, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'default'`. Sampling method for creating binary matrix used as mask for replacing aspects in data (default is `'default'`, which means it randomly replaces one or two zeros per row; `'binom'` replaces random number of zeros per row). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'`. f : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'default'` and `sample_method == 'binom'`. Parameter controlling average number of replaced zeros for binomial sampling (default is `2`). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'` or `sample_method` is not `'binom'`. processes : int, optional Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B` (default is `1`, which means no parallel computation). random_state : int, optional Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed). Returns ------- PredictTriplot class object Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method. """ pt = PredictTriplot(type, N, B, sample_method, f, processes, random_state), new_observation) return pt def model_triplot( self, loss_function=None, type="variable_importance", N=1000, B=10, processes=1, random_state=None, ): """Calculate model-level hierarchical aspect importance Parameters ---------- loss_function : {'rmse', '1-auc', 'mse', 'mae', 'mad'} or function, optional If string, then such loss function will be used to assess aspect importance (default is `'rmse'` or `'1-auc'`, depends on `explainer.model_type` attribute). type : {'variable_importance', 'ratio', 'difference'}, optional Type of transformation that will be applied to dropout loss (default is `'variable_importance'`, which is Permutational Variable Importance). N : int, optional Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute before the calculation of aspect importance. `None` means all `data` (default is `1000`). B : int, optional Number of permutation rounds to perform on each variable (default is `10`). processes : int, optional Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B` (default is `1`, which means no parallel computation). random_state : int, optional Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed). Returns ------- ModelTriplot class object Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method. """ loss_function = checks.check_method_loss_function(self.explainer, loss_function) # get proper loss_function for model_type mt = ModelTriplot(loss_function, type, N, B, processes, random_state) self._mt_params = {"loss_function": loss_function, "type": type, "N": N, "B": B} # save params for future calls of model_parts return mt
def get_aspects(self, h=0.5, n=None)
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def get_aspects(self, h=0.5, n=None): from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster """Form aspects of variables from the hierarchical clustering Parameters ---------- h : float, optional Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is `0.5`). NOTE: Ignored if `n` is not `None`. n : int, optional Maximum number of aspects to form (default is `None`, which means the use of `h` parameter). Returns ------- dict of lists Variables grouped in aspects, e.g. `{'aspect_1': ['x1', 'x2'], 'aspect_2': ['y1', 'y2']}`. """ if n is None: aspect_label = fcluster(self.linkage_matrix, 1 - h, criterion="distance") else: aspect_label = fcluster(self.linkage_matrix, n, criterion="maxclust") aspects = pd.DataFrame( {"feature": self.depend_matrix.columns, "aspect": aspect_label} ) aspects = aspects.groupby("aspect")["feature"].apply(list).reset_index() aspects_dict = {} # rename an aspect when there is a single variable in it i = 1 for index, row in aspects.iterrows(): if len(row["feature"]) > 1: aspects_dict[f"aspect_{i}"] = row["feature"] i += 1 else: aspects_dict[row["feature"][0]] = row["feature"] return aspects_dict
def model_parts(self, variable_groups=None, h=0.5, loss_function=None, type='variable_importance', N=1000, B=10, processes=1, label=None, random_state=None)
Calculate model-level aspect importance
- Variables grouped in aspects to calculate their importance (default is
). h
, optional- Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency
between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is
). loss_function
:{'rmse', '1-auc', 'mse', 'mae', 'mad'}
, optional- If string, then such loss function will be used to assess aspect importance
(default is
, depends onexplainer.model_type
attribute). type
:{'variable_importance', 'ratio', 'difference'}
, optional- Type of transformation that will be applied to dropout loss
(default is
, which is Permutational Variable Importance). N
, optional- Number of observations that will be sampled from the
attribute before the calculation of aspect importance.None
means alldata
(default is1000
). B
, optional- Number of permutation rounds to perform on each variable (default is
). processes
, optional- Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over
(default is1
, which means no parallel computation). label
, optional- Name to appear in result and plots. Overrides default.
, optional- Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed).
ModelAspectImportance class object
- Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method.
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def model_parts( self, variable_groups=None, h=0.5, loss_function=None, type="variable_importance", N=1000, B=10, processes=1, label=None, random_state=None, ): """Calculate model-level aspect importance Parameters ---------- variable_groups : dict of lists or None Variables grouped in aspects to calculate their importance (default is `None`). h : float, optional Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is `0.5`). loss_function : {'rmse', '1-auc', 'mse', 'mae', 'mad'} or function, optional If string, then such loss function will be used to assess aspect importance (default is `'rmse'` or `'1-auc'`, depends on `explainer.model_type` attribute). type : {'variable_importance', 'ratio', 'difference'}, optional Type of transformation that will be applied to dropout loss (default is `'variable_importance'`, which is Permutational Variable Importance). N : int, optional Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute before the calculation of aspect importance. `None` means all `data` (default is `1000`). B : int, optional Number of permutation rounds to perform on each variable (default is `10`). processes : int, optional Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B` (default is `1`, which means no parallel computation). label : str, optional Name to appear in result and plots. Overrides default. random_state : int, optional Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed). Returns ------- ModelAspectImportance class object Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method. """ loss_function = checks.check_method_loss_function(self.explainer, loss_function) mai_result = None if variable_groups is None: variable_groups = self.get_aspects(h) # get results from triplot if it was precalculated with the same params if self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance is not None: if ( self._mt_params["loss_function"] == loss_function and self._mt_params["N"] == N and self._mt_params["B"] == B and self._mt_params["type"] == type ): h = min(1, h) h_selected = np.unique( self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.loc[ self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.h >= h ].h )[0] mai_result = self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.loc[ self._full_hierarchical_aspect_importance.h == h_selected ] ai = ModelAspectImportance( loss_function=loss_function, type=type, N=N, B=B, variable_groups=variable_groups, processes=processes, random_state=random_state, _depend_matrix=self.depend_matrix ) # calculate if there was no results if mai_result is None: else: mai_result = mai_result[ [ "aspect_name", "variable_names", "dropout_loss", "dropout_loss_change", "min_depend", "vars_min_depend", "label", ] ] ai.result = mai_result if label is not None: ai.result["label"] = label return ai
def model_triplot(self, loss_function=None, type='variable_importance', N=1000, B=10, processes=1, random_state=None)
Calculate model-level hierarchical aspect importance
:{'rmse', '1-auc', 'mse', 'mae', 'mad'}
, optional- If string, then such loss function will be used to assess aspect importance
(default is
, depends onexplainer.model_type
attribute). type
:{'variable_importance', 'ratio', 'difference'}
, optional- Type of transformation that will be applied to dropout loss
(default is
, which is Permutational Variable Importance). N
, optional- Number of observations that will be sampled from the
attribute before the calculation of aspect importance.None
means alldata
(default is1000
). B
, optional- Number of permutation rounds to perform on each variable (default is
). processes
, optional- Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over
(default is1
, which means no parallel computation). random_state
, optional- Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed).
ModelTriplot class object
- Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method.
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def model_triplot( self, loss_function=None, type="variable_importance", N=1000, B=10, processes=1, random_state=None, ): """Calculate model-level hierarchical aspect importance Parameters ---------- loss_function : {'rmse', '1-auc', 'mse', 'mae', 'mad'} or function, optional If string, then such loss function will be used to assess aspect importance (default is `'rmse'` or `'1-auc'`, depends on `explainer.model_type` attribute). type : {'variable_importance', 'ratio', 'difference'}, optional Type of transformation that will be applied to dropout loss (default is `'variable_importance'`, which is Permutational Variable Importance). N : int, optional Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute before the calculation of aspect importance. `None` means all `data` (default is `1000`). B : int, optional Number of permutation rounds to perform on each variable (default is `10`). processes : int, optional Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B` (default is `1`, which means no parallel computation). random_state : int, optional Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed). Returns ------- ModelTriplot class object Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method. """ loss_function = checks.check_method_loss_function(self.explainer, loss_function) # get proper loss_function for model_type mt = ModelTriplot(loss_function, type, N, B, processes, random_state) self._mt_params = {"loss_function": loss_function, "type": type, "N": N, "B": B} # save params for future calls of model_parts return mt
def plot_dendrogram(self, title='Hierarchical clustering dendrogram', lines_interspace=20, rounding_function=<function round_>, digits=3, show=True)
Plot the hierarchical clustering dendrogram of variables
, optional- Title of the plot (default is "Hierarchical clustering dendrogram").
, optional- Interspace between lines of dendrogram in px (default is
). rounding_function
, optional- A function that will be used for rounding numbers (default is
). digits
, optional- Number of decimal places (
) to round contributions. Seerounding_function
parameter (default is3
). show
, optionalTrue
shows the plot;False
returns the plotly Figure object that can be edited or saved using thewrite_image()
method (default isTrue
- Return figure that can be edited or saved. See
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def plot_dendrogram( self, title="Hierarchical clustering dendrogram", lines_interspace=20, rounding_function=np.round, digits=3, show=True, ): """Plot the hierarchical clustering dendrogram of variables Parameters ---------- title : str, optional Title of the plot (default is "Hierarchical clustering dendrogram"). lines_interspace : float, optional Interspace between lines of dendrogram in px (default is `20`). rounding_function : function, optional A function that will be used for rounding numbers (default is `np.around`). digits : int, optional Number of decimal places (`np.around`) to round contributions. See `rounding_function` parameter (default is `3`). show : bool, optional `True` shows the plot; `False` returns the plotly Figure object that can be edited or saved using the `write_image()` method (default is `True`). Returns ------- None or plotly.graph_objects.Figure Return figure that can be edited or saved. See `show` parameter. """ m = len(self.depend_matrix.columns) plot_height = 78 + 71 + m * lines_interspace + (m + 1) * lines_interspace / 4 fig = self._hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram fig = plot.add_text_and_tooltips_to_dendrogram( fig, self._dendrogram_aspects_ordered, rounding_function, digits ) fig = plot._add_points_on_dendrogram_traces(fig) fig.update_layout( title={"text": title, "x": 0.15}, yaxis={"automargin": True, "autorange": "reversed"}, height=plot_height, ) if show: else: return fig
def predict_parts(self, new_observation, variable_groups=None, type='default', h=0.5, N=2000, B=25, n_aspects=None, sample_method='default', f=2, label=None, processes=1, random_state=None)
Calculate predict-level aspect importance
ornp.ndarray (1d)
orpd.DataFrame (1,p)
- An observation for which a prediction needs to be explained.
- Variables grouped in aspects to calculate their importance (default is
). type
:{'default', 'shap'}
, optional- Type of aspect importance/attributions (default is
, which means the use of simplified LIME method). h
, optional- Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency
between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is
). N
, optional- Number of observations that will be sampled from the
attribute before the calculation of aspect importance (default is2000
). B
, optional- Parameter specific for
type == 'shap'
. Number of random paths to calculate aspect attributions (default is25
). NOTE: Ignored iftype
is not'shap'
. n_aspects
, optional- Parameter specific for
type == 'default'
. Maximum number of non-zero importances, i.e. coefficients after lasso fitting (default isNone
, which means the linear regression is used). NOTE: Ignored iftype
is not'default'
. sample_method
:{'default', 'binom'}
, optional- Parameter specific for
type == 'default'
. Sampling method for creating binary matrix used as mask for replacing aspects in sampled data (default is'default'
, which means it randomly replaces one or two zeros per row;'binom'
replaces random number of zeros per row). NOTE: Ignored iftype
is not'default'
. f
, optional- Parameter specific for
type == 'default'
andsample_method == 'binom'
. Parameter controlling average number of replaced zeros for binomial sampling (default is2
). NOTE: Ignored iftype
is not'default'
is not'binom'
. label
, optional- Name to appear in result and plots. Overrides default.
, optional- Parameter specific for
type == 'shap'
. Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated overB
(default is1
, which means no parallel computation). random_state
, optional- Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed).
PredictAspectImportance class object
- Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method.
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def predict_parts( self, new_observation, variable_groups=None, type="default", h=0.5, N=2000, B=25, n_aspects=None, sample_method="default", f=2, label=None, processes=1, random_state=None, ): """Calculate predict-level aspect importance Parameters ---------- new_observation : pd.Series or np.ndarray (1d) or pd.DataFrame (1,p) An observation for which a prediction needs to be explained. variable_groups : dict of lists or None Variables grouped in aspects to calculate their importance (default is `None`). type : {'default', 'shap'}, optional Type of aspect importance/attributions (default is `'default'`, which means the use of simplified LIME method). h : float, optional Threshold to apply when forming aspects, i.e., the minimum value of the dependency between the variables grouped in one aspect (default is `0.5`). N : int, optional Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute before the calculation of aspect importance (default is `2000`). B : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'shap'`. Number of random paths to calculate aspect attributions (default is `25`). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'shap'`. n_aspects : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'default'`. Maximum number of non-zero importances, i.e. coefficients after lasso fitting (default is `None`, which means the linear regression is used). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'`. sample_method : {'default', 'binom'}, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'default'`. Sampling method for creating binary matrix used as mask for replacing aspects in sampled data (default is `'default'`, which means it randomly replaces one or two zeros per row; `'binom'` replaces random number of zeros per row). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'`. f : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'default'` and `sample_method == 'binom'`. Parameter controlling average number of replaced zeros for binomial sampling (default is `2`). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'` or `sample_method` is not `'binom'`. label : str, optional Name to appear in result and plots. Overrides default. processes : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'shap'`. Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B` (default is `1`, which means no parallel computation). random_state : int, optional Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed). Returns ------- PredictAspectImportance class object Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method. """ if variable_groups is None: variable_groups = self.get_aspects(h) pai = PredictAspectImportance( variable_groups, type, N, B, n_aspects, sample_method, f, self.depend_method, self.corr_method, self.agg_method, processes, random_state, _depend_matrix=self.depend_matrix ), new_observation) if label is not None: pai.result["label"] = label return pai
def predict_triplot(self, new_observation, type='default', N=2000, B=25, sample_method='default', f=2, processes=1, random_state=None)
Calculate predict-level hierarchical aspect importance
ornp.ndarray (1d)
orpd.DataFrame (1,p)
- An observation for which a prediction needs to be explained.
:{'default', 'shap'}
, optional- Type of aspect importance/attributions (default is
, which means the use of simplified LIME method). N
, optional- Number of observations that will be sampled from the
attribute before the calculation of aspect importance (default is2000
). B
, optional- Parameter specific for
type == 'shap'
. Number of random paths to calculate aspect attributions (default is25
). NOTE: Ignored iftype
is not'shap'
. sample_method
:{'default', 'binom'}
, optional- Parameter specific for
type == 'default'
. Sampling method for creating binary matrix used as mask for replacing aspects in data (default is'default'
, which means it randomly replaces one or two zeros per row;'binom'
replaces random number of zeros per row). NOTE: Ignored iftype
is not'default'
. f
, optional- Parameter specific for
type == 'default'
andsample_method == 'binom'
. Parameter controlling average number of replaced zeros for binomial sampling (default is2
). NOTE: Ignored iftype
is not'default'
is not'binom'
. processes
, optional- Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over
(default is1
, which means no parallel computation). random_state
, optional- Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed).
PredictTriplot class object
- Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method.
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def predict_triplot( self, new_observation, type="default", N=2000, B=25, sample_method="default", f=2, processes=1, random_state=None, ): """Calculate predict-level hierarchical aspect importance Parameters ---------- new_observation : pd.Series or np.ndarray (1d) or pd.DataFrame (1,p) An observation for which a prediction needs to be explained. type : {'default', 'shap'}, optional Type of aspect importance/attributions (default is `'default'`, which means the use of simplified LIME method). N : int, optional Number of observations that will be sampled from the `` attribute before the calculation of aspect importance (default is `2000`). B : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'shap'`. Number of random paths to calculate aspect attributions (default is `25`). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'shap'`. sample_method : {'default', 'binom'}, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'default'`. Sampling method for creating binary matrix used as mask for replacing aspects in data (default is `'default'`, which means it randomly replaces one or two zeros per row; `'binom'` replaces random number of zeros per row). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'`. f : int, optional Parameter specific for `type == 'default'` and `sample_method == 'binom'`. Parameter controlling average number of replaced zeros for binomial sampling (default is `2`). NOTE: Ignored if `type` is not `'default'` or `sample_method` is not `'binom'`. processes : int, optional Number of parallel processes to use in calculations. Iterated over `B` (default is `1`, which means no parallel computation). random_state : int, optional Set seed for random number generator (default is random seed). Returns ------- PredictTriplot class object Explanation object containing the main result attribute and the plot method. """ pt = PredictTriplot(type, N, B, sample_method, f, processes, random_state), new_observation) return pt