Titanic: tutorial and examples


In [1]:
import dalex as dx

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer

import warnings

import plotly
In [2]:

load data

First, divide the data into variables X and a target variable y.

In [3]:
data = dx.datasets.load_titanic()

X = data.drop(columns='survived')
y = data.survived
In [4]:
gender age class embarked fare sibsp parch survived
0 male 42.0 3rd Southampton 7.1100 0 0 0
1 male 13.0 3rd Southampton 20.0500 0 2 0
2 male 16.0 3rd Southampton 20.0500 1 1 0
3 female 39.0 3rd Southampton 20.0500 1 1 1
4 female 16.0 3rd Southampton 7.1300 0 0 1
5 male 25.0 3rd Southampton 7.1300 0 0 1
6 male 30.0 2nd Cherbourg 24.0000 1 0 0
7 female 28.0 2nd Cherbourg 24.0000 1 0 1
8 male 27.0 3rd Cherbourg 18.1509 0 0 1
9 male 20.0 3rd Southampton 7.1806 0 0 1

create a pipeline model

  • numerical_transformer pipeline:

    • numerical_features: choose numerical features to transform
    • impute missing data with median strategy
    • scale numerical features with standard scaler
  • categorical_transformer pipeline:

    • categorical_features: choose categorical features to transform
    • impute missing data with 'missing' string
    • encode categorical features with one-hot
  • aggregate those two pipelines into a preprocessor using ColumnTransformer

  • make a basic classifier model using MLPClassifier - it has 3 hidden layers with sizes 150, 100, 50 respectively

  • construct a clf pipeline model, which combines the preprocessor with the basic classifier model

In [5]:
numerical_features = ['age', 'fare', 'sibsp', 'parch']
numerical_transformer = Pipeline(
        ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),
        ('scaler', StandardScaler())

categorical_features = ['gender', 'class', 'embarked']
categorical_transformer = Pipeline(
        ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='missing')),
        ('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'))

preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(
        ('num', numerical_transformer, numerical_features),
        ('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)

classifier = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(150,100,50), max_iter=500, random_state=0)

clf = Pipeline(steps=[('preprocessor', preprocessor),
                      ('classifier', classifier)])

fit the model

In [6]:
clf.fit(X, y)
                                                  ['age', 'fare', 'sibsp',
                                                  ['gender', 'class',
                 MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(150, 100, 50), max_iter=500,
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create an explainer for the model

In [7]:
exp = dx.Explainer(clf, X, y)
Preparation of a new explainer is initiated

  -> data              : 2207 rows 7 cols
  -> target variable   : Parameter 'y' was a pandas.Series. Converted to a numpy.ndarray.
  -> target variable   : 2207 values
  -> model_class       : sklearn.neural_network._multilayer_perceptron.MLPClassifier (default)
  -> label             : Not specified, model's class short name will be used. (default)
  -> predict function  : <function yhat_proba_default at 0x137744360> will be used (default)
  -> predict function  : Accepts only pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray causes problems.
  -> predicted values  : min = 2.72e-06, mean = 0.337, max = 1.0
  -> model type        : classification will be used (default)
  -> residual function : difference between y and yhat (default)
  -> residuals         : min = -0.921, mean = -0.0146, max = 0.975
  -> model_info        : package sklearn

A new explainer has been created!

Above functionalities are accessible from the Explainer object through its methods.

Model-level and predict-level methods return a new unique object that contains the result attribute (pandas.DataFrame) and the plot method.


This function is nothing but normal model prediction, however it uses Explainer interface.

Let's create two example persons for this tutorial.

In [8]:
john = pd.DataFrame({'gender': ['male'],
                       'age': [25],
                       'class': ['1st'],
                       'embarked': ['Southampton'],
                       'fare': [72],
                       'sibsp': [0],
                       'parch': 0},
                      index = ['John'])
In [9]:
mary = pd.DataFrame({'gender': ['female'],
                     'age': [35],
                     'class': ['3rd'],
                     'embarked': ['Cherbourg'],
                     'fare': [25],
                     'sibsp': [0],
                     'parch': [0]},
                     index = ['Mary'])

You can make a prediction on many samples at the same time

In [10]:
array([0.07907226, 0.20628711, 0.13463174, 0.60372994, 0.76485216,
       0.16150944, 0.03705073, 0.99324938, 0.19563509, 0.12184964])

As well as on only one instance. However, the only accepted format is pandas.DataFrame.

Prediction of survival for John.

In [11]:

Prediction of survival for Mary.

In [12]:


  • 'break_down'

  • 'break_down_interactions'

  • 'shap'

This function calculates Variable Attributions as Break Down, iBreakDown or Shapley Values explanations.

Model prediction is decomposed into parts that are attributed for particular variables.

In [13]:
bd_john = exp.predict_parts(john, type='break_down', label=john.index[0])
bd_interactions_john = exp.predict_parts(john, type='break_down_interactions', label="John+")

sh_mary = exp.predict_parts(mary, type='shap', B=10, label=mary.index[0])
In [14]:
variable_name variable_value variable cumulative contribution sign position label
0 intercept intercept 0.336735 0.336735 1.0 8 John
1 class 1st class = 1st 0.583093 0.246358 1.0 7 John
2 age 25.0 age = 25.0 0.595401 0.012308 1.0 6 John
3 sibsp 0.0 sibsp = 0.0 0.585751 -0.009650 -1.0 5 John
4 fare 72.0 fare = 72.0 0.319029 -0.266722 -1.0 4 John
5 parch 0.0 parch = 0.0 0.300772 -0.018257 -1.0 3 John
6 embarked Southampton embarked = Southampton 0.284191 -0.016580 -1.0 2 John
7 gender male gender = male 0.081277 -0.202914 -1.0 1 John
8 prediction 0.081277 0.081277 1.0 0 John
In [15]:
In [16]:
sh_mary.result.loc[sh_mary.result.B == 0, ]
variable contribution variable_name variable_value sign label B
0 gender = female 0.498438 gender female 1.0 Mary 0
1 embarked = Cherbourg 0.110126 embarked Cherbourg 1.0 Mary 0
2 class = 3rd -0.092133 class 3rd -1.0 Mary 0
3 age = 35.0 0.022643 age 35 1.0 Mary 0
4 sibsp = 0.0 0.016163 sibsp 0 1.0 Mary 0
5 parch = 0.0 0.007954 parch 0 1.0 Mary 0
6 fare = 25.0 -0.007013 fare 25 -1.0 Mary 0
In [17]:
In [18]:
exp.predict_parts(john, type='shap', B=10, label=john.index[0]).plot(max_vars=5)


  • 'ceteris_paribus'

This function computes individual profiles aka Ceteris Paribus Profiles.

In [19]:
cp_mary = exp.predict_profile(mary, label=mary.index[0])
cp_john = exp.predict_profile(john, label=john.index[0])

Calculating ceteris paribus: 100%|██████████| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 106.99it/s]
Calculating ceteris paribus: 100%|██████████| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 69.35it/s]
gender age class embarked fare sibsp parch _original_ _yhat_ _vname_ _ids_ _label_
Mary male 35.000000 3rd Cherbourg 25.0 0.0 0.0 female 0.129222 gender Mary Mary
Mary female 35.000000 3rd Cherbourg 25.0 0.0 0.0 female 0.892914 gender Mary Mary
Mary female 0.166667 3rd Cherbourg 25.0 0.0 0.0 35 0.992733 age Mary Mary
Mary female 0.905000 3rd Cherbourg 25.0 0.0 0.0 35 0.991484 age Mary Mary
Mary female 1.643333 3rd Cherbourg 25.0 0.0 0.0 35 0.990023 age Mary Mary
In [20]:
In [21]:
cp_john.plot(cp_mary, variable_type = "categorical")


  • 'classification'

  • 'regression'

This function calculates various Model Performance measures:

  • classification: F1, accuracy, recall, precision and AUC
  • regression: mean squared error, R squared, median absolute deviation
In [22]:
mp = exp.model_performance(model_type = 'classification')
recall precision f1 accuracy auc
MLPClassifier 0.651195 0.813708 0.723437 0.839601 0.877305
In [23]:
In [24]:


  • 'variable_importance'

  • 'ratio'

  • 'difference'

This function calculates Variable Importance.

In [25]:
vi = exp.model_parts()
variable dropout_loss label
0 _full_model_ 0.116292 MLPClassifier
1 parch 0.144645 MLPClassifier
2 fare 0.147404 MLPClassifier
3 sibsp 0.154644 MLPClassifier
4 embarked 0.158866 MLPClassifier
5 age 0.204129 MLPClassifier
6 class 0.242640 MLPClassifier
7 gender 0.371637 MLPClassifier
8 _baseline_ 0.499977 MLPClassifier
In [26]:

There is also a possibility of calculating variable importance of group of variables.

In [27]:
vi_grouped = exp.model_parts(variable_groups={'personal': ['gender', 'age', 'sibsp', 'parch'],
                                     'wealth': ['class', 'fare']})
variable dropout_loss label
0 _full_model_ 0.125230 MLPClassifier
1 wealth 0.260403 MLPClassifier
2 personal 0.471375 MLPClassifier
3 _baseline_ 0.499360 MLPClassifier
In [28]:


  • 'partial'

  • 'accumulated'

This function calculates explanations that explore model response as a function of selected variables.

The explanations can be calulated as Partial Dependence Profile or Accumulated Local Dependence Profile.

In [29]:
pdp_num = exp.model_profile(type = 'partial', label="pdp")
Calculating ceteris paribus: 100%|██████████| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 20.98it/s]
In [30]:
ale_num = exp.model_profile(type = 'accumulated', label="ale")
Calculating ceteris paribus: 100%|██████████| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 26.08it/s]
Calculating accumulated dependency: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 21.89it/s]
In [31]:
In [32]:
pdp_cat = exp.model_profile(type = 'partial', variable_type='categorical',
                            variables = ["gender","class"], label="pdp")

ale_cat = exp.model_profile(type = 'accumulated', variable_type='categorical',
                            variables = ["gender","class"], label="ale")
Calculating ceteris paribus: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 98.22it/s]
Calculating ceteris paribus: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 126.33it/s]
Calculating accumulated dependency: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 42.48it/s]
In [33]:

Hover over all of the above plots for tooltips with more information.

Saving and loading Explainers

You can easily save an Explainer to the pickle (or generaly binary form) and load it again. Any local or lambda function in the Explainer object will be dropped during saving. Residual function by default is local, thus, if default, it is always dropped. Default functions can be retrieved during loading.

In [34]:
# this converts explainer to a binary form
# exp.dumps()

# this load explainer again
# dx.Explainer.loads(pickled)

# this will not retrieve default function if dropped
# dx.Explainer.loads(pickled, use_defaults=False)
In [35]:
# this will save your explainer to the file
# with open('explainer.pkl', 'wb') as fd:
#     exp.dump(fd)

# this will load your explainer from the file
# with open('explainer.pkl', 'rb') as fd:
#     dx.Explainer.load(fd)


This package uses plotly to render the plots:

Resources - https://dalex.drwhy.ai/python